Mike Saponaro, under the direction of Nancy Bird at the Iowa City Downtown District has tackled a huge project and has created a resource for anyone interested in Real Estate in the Johnson County, Iowa area. Mike has sifted the Iowa City and Johnson County Iowa data and has categorized, analyzed and charted all property types in Johnson County. His report is attached here: www.icrealestatetours.com/FlyerPDFs/Johnson County Property Inventoryaug19.pdf and is well worth the read. When analyzing a market, the first thing one needs to know is the size of the market. Mike reports that County wide, we have over 96 million feet of space located on over 40,000 acres of land assessed at over $10 Billion Dollars! He breaks this down by type and area and charts it so it is all meaningful data. Over the next few months, I’ll review and report on this resource and will attempt to put it in perspective. Good work, Mike!
For more information contact the Iowa City Downtown District at (319) 354-0863, or visit them at 14 1/5 S. Clinton Street, Iowa City, Iowa over Molly’s Cupcakes.